Sunday, May 2, 2010

Finally Camping

So we finally got our first camping trip in of the season. If you guys have never been to the San Rafeal Swell you better get going there before the government turns it into a national park, it is so AWESOME. So for this trip we took my niece Teggan along with us which was way fun cause then I wasn't the only girl and she entertained the kids as well.. So on the way out there me and Teggan rode in the jeep and if you guys have ever seen the movie The Hills Have Eyes I am pretty sure that this is where they filmed it. So me and Teggan talked about that movie the whole time we were out there trying to scare ourselves and it worked! Brian took the older kids on a ride and left me and Teggan and the camp around dark and we are talking about the movie, and all of a sudden this car pulls into our camp site. Talk about having to change your underwear! They left without killing and eating us so that was good.
The first day we were there the kids caught lizards, ok i take that back Teggan caught the lizards while my kids screamed like girls. They rode the four wheelers and did lots of climbing looking for special rocks but instead found petrified poop which was cool the kids also enjoyed the dirt and snacks. I heard once that the dirtier the kid the funnier they had well from the looks of them they had a blast.
As you can see Chaetton also got his helmet off the day before we went and WOW do we miss it! I don't know how many times you can hit your head on the trailer awning but i could guess... it was about three times... in one day. Poor Chaetton and his unprotected head.
So after several short rides on the fourwheelers that took us to see these places

We decided to take a long jeep ride to another arch and a bunch of copper mines, I don't know how the miners found these place cause they were a long way from now where but it was so much fun we saw wild horses on the way out there so that was way cool. this was the arch that we went and saw So here are some of the mines that we saw and yes I let my kids go in and yes it was way SCARY! This is the last mine that we went into and talk about the hills have eyes it was creepy there was all these different tunnels leading off to who knows where some had been collapsed which was freaky and there was this scary door that said do not enter so of course we do. nothing was behind it.

Any one up for some hide and seek in the mines?
So after an extremely long post and a million pictures I hope that I have convinced you to go out there, but if not then you can read my next post because we are going back out there next week!


  1. are you really going back out there next week? sigh i want to go. oh yeah colbs schedule got changed so he is off on the weekends again. good and bad! so now you can all come up and we can all hang out. once i read about he lizards i was thinking "did you get new brave kids" and i was shocked but then i saw that teggan had caught them and the boys screamed like little girls and i thought oh yep they are the same boys i know!i wish we could have gone. i have only been there once and i still have not seen the wild horses,so tell brian to talk colby into coming down before his schedule changes.

  2. I want to go! And when we go let's take a generator and watch the hills have eyes and then play hide and seek in those caves right after we watch the movie. Or we can watch 40 days of night. That is freakin scary! Looks like a cool place to go really! I am sure the kids had fun. Finding petrified poop would be the highlight of the trip for my kids.
