Sunday, November 7, 2010

HaLlOwEenN 2010 Continued

This year for Halloween the Boys had a hard time deciding what they wanted to be. Ashton always wants to be something scary so I thought that he would be Michael Myers, or Jason, but he surprised me and wanted to be a BYU foot ball player. But before he was that they had a Halloween carnival at school and he was to cool to dress up so we just colored his hair white.Ashton and his friends were all something to do with BYU, but since I am mother of the year (and it was hailing) I did not get a picture of them sadly neither did anyone else. Bam had a even harder time deciding, he usually doesn't like scary stuff but for the Halloween carnival he ended up being this. Then we went down to manti to do some trick or treating and he was a star wars clone trooper (again I did not get a picture) so then we got back and he decided to be a utah utes football player which the helmet came in handy when it hailed.Chaetton did not have a choice of what he was being this year so he ended up being a girl, he sure was cute! Everyone kept saying that they did not know that I had a girl, but i did for one night out of the year! Hope that this does not come back to bite me in the butt one day!We got lots of candy and had a great Halloween! Hope you all did as well!


  1. As far as I can tell, Riley has suffered no ill consequences from being dressed as a girl for Halloween three years ago. He loves sequins and high heels, but other than that he's all boy :)

  2. holy moly costumes. i cant believe bam was 3 different things! he is funny! and of course i dont blame ashton for not dressing up for the school party, do you know how many hot girls could have seen him!!! and your little chelsey is so stinkin cute! i cant believe how big she has got! oh wait i thought you had all boys??? did i miss something here....
